Thursday, April 28, 2016

National Arbor Day(s) - US April 29, 2016

Arbor Day is an international celebration, but it is celebrated on different days around the world (usually in spring) depending upon local climates. The first (known) Arbor Festival was in Mondonedo, Spain, in 1594. The first *modern* Arbor Day was held in 1805 in Villanueva de la Sierra, Spain.

In the US the first Arbor Day was celebrated April 10, 1872, when ~1 million trees were planted in Nebraska. Over time Arbor Day became an official celebration with President Roosevelt issuing an Arbor Day Proclamation (April 15, 1907) addressed to the school children of the United States about the importance of trees, and encouraging that forestry be taught in US schools.

Over the years the date has changed a bit, and now Arbor Day is celebrated in the US on the last Friday in April, this year that is April 29!

A partial list of tree planting celebration (& times) around the world:

National Tree Day is on the last Sunday in July. Arbor Day has been observed in Australia since June 20, 1889.
International Day of Tree-planting is celebrated ~March 21 as an educational day/observance, not as a public holiday.
Arbor Day (Dia da Árvore) is celebrated September 21.
British Virgin Islands
Sponsored by the National Parks Trust, Arbour Day is celebrated November 22. \
Cambodia celebrates Arbor Day July 9.
National Forest Week is celebrated the last full week of September, with National Tree Day falling on the Wednesday of that week. Individual Arbor Days are celebrated around Canada in spring.
Central African Republic
National Tree Planting Day is July 20.
Arbor Day, celebrated on March 12, is upheld in China with the The Resolution on the Unfolding of a Nationwide Voluntary Tree-planting Campaign,1981
Costa Rica
"Día del Árbol" is June 15.
Arbor Day is January 15
The first Arbor Day ("Tag des Baumes") in Germany was in 1952, it is celebrated on April 25.
The tree planting festival in India is called Van Mahotsav (festival of trees). Originating in 1947, it lasts one week in July.
"National Tree Planting Day is on the 15th day of month Esfand which is generally ~ March5.
Tu Bishvat (the new year for trees), is on the 15th day of Shvat, which is ~ January or February.
Greenery Day, similar to Arbor Day, is celebrated May 4.
National Tree Planting Day is April 21.
National Tree Planting Day is in November.
Republic of Macedonia
'Tree Day-Plant Your Future' tradition was started on March 12, 2008, when over 150,000 Macedonians planted 2 million trees in one day (symbolically, one for each citizen). It continues now each year.
National Tree Planting Day is on the 2nd Monday of December.
The Día del Árbol , started in 1959, it is celebrated each year on the 2nd Thursday of July.
The first National Tree Planting Day was celebrated in 2010, it is now tradition on the 2nd Saturday of May and October.
Arbor Day is celebrated on October 8.
Begun in 1957, National Festival of Trees (Nationale Boomplantdag/Nationale Boomfeestdag) is celebrated the third Wednesday of March.
New Zealand
Arobor Day is on June 5.
Arbor Day is August 3.
National tree plantation day is August 18.
Arbor Day has been celebrated since 1947, and is now celebrated on June 25.
Arbor Day is October 10.
Arbor Day is March 21.
South Africa
Arbor Day, begun in 1945, was expanded to Arbor Week in 200, lasting from September 1-7.
South Korea
Arbor Day is celebrated April 5.
Celebrations for Arbor Day are chosen locally, but they are usually celebrated from February to May.
Arbor Day is celebrated on March 12.
National Tree Planting Day is April 1
National Tree Planting Day is March 24.
United Kingdom
National Tree Week, first celebrated in 1975, this year is from Nov 26- Dec 4.
United States
Arbor Day is on the last Friday in April.
Día del Arbol (Day of the Tree) is the last Sunday of May.

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